Frickin Anti – Bird Proofing Service
It is important to carry out bird control as pest birds, including pigeons and gulls can become a serious problem when they decide to make your premises their home or roost. Most common urban bird’s infestation such as pigeons, crows, sparrows etc.: the pest birds pose a considerable threat to human health due to the number of diseases and bacteria that are present in their droppings and nests
It is important to carry out bird control as pest birds, including pigeons and gulls can become a serious problem when they decide to make your premises their home or roost. Most common urban bird’s infestation such as pigeons, crows, sparrows etc.: the pest birds pose a considerable threat to human health due to the number of diseases and bacteria that are present in their droppings and nests.
Pigeons are filthy birds, causing disease and damage. Their droppings are known for triggering human slips and falls, as well as accelerating the aging of structures and statues. This makes it imperative to get rid of pigeons in highly trafficked areas. More seriously, pigeons may carry diseases such as Cryptococcus’s, toxoplasmosis, salmonella, food poisoning, and more. Also, their droppings may harbor the growth of fungus, which causes histoplasmosis. Other pests may live on these birds, including fleas, lice, mites, ticks, and other pests. Pests may also infest nests such as stored product pests.

Anti-Bird Netting Service
Anti-bird netting is a 100% effective, low-profile, permanent solution to pest bird infestation. Install bird netting wherever you want to keep pest birds out of an area and away from products, crops and other valuable property. Anti-bird netting is ideal for zero-tolerance zones – excluding them completely!
We have a special net to get rid of this menace caused by pigeons without hurting or killing them. This net is made of 100% Poly Carbonated and 100 % CO-POLYMER NYLON & TRANSPARENT in color having different mesh size of 20mm to 50mm square.
Benefits of Our Anti-Bird Net Solutions!
- Simple, cost-effective solution for homeowners and gardeners
- Lightweight, pliable, and UV-stabilized
- Won’t deteriorate or lose strength when exposed to the elements
- Seals off all structural openings and other possible roosting sites
- Allows light and moisture in
- The nets provided by us are easily washable and can involve convenient installation and less maintenance
Anti-Bird Spike Service
A bird control spike is a device consisting of long, needle-like rods used for bird control. They can be attached to building ledges, street lighting, and commercial signage to prevent pigeons, wild or feral birds from perching or roosting. Birds can produce large quantities of unsightly and unhygienic feces and some birds have very loud calls that can be inconvenient for nearby residents, especially at night. As a result, bird control spikes are used to deter these birds without causing them harm or killing them.

Ultrasonic bat repellent devices are very effective against bats. These run almost completely silent to humans, emitting ultrasonic frequencies that interfere with bat’s echolocation navigation. Bats are not harmed, this just annoys them & encourages them to seek out quieter locations.
Netting is long-lasting & extremely effective in bat control, & is widely used around the world. We offer several types of exclusion netting – simply install across openings or to protect large areas from bat infestation. Depending on the kind of bats you are repelling, select a size that is small enough to exclude bats, since bats can wiggle through large-holed netting just like mice can. The most popular netting we sell for bat prevention is our PE-Plus Premium Grade Bird Net, because it is very well constructed to protect against the elements, is tightly-knit, & protects against tearing or picking by pests